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Blackout Games Wiki


Every club in the game can be a member of a union, though only one union at a time. You can create your own union or join a union created by someone else. Being a member of a union will bring your club benefits, depending on how active the union is, how quickly it completes its challenges, and how successful it is when competing against other unions. The better a union is at these things, the faster it will gain Union Levels (ULs), and every time a union gains a UL it gains upgrade points that can be spent on improving aspects of the union, providing new benefits to its members or increasing the effectiveness of existing ones.

Creating a Union[]

To create a union you will need to go to the Unions tab on the right hand side of the screen. You will then see three columns – Create a New Union, Find a Union, and Search Results. You will need to fill in the Create a Union column.

When you create a union you need to give it a name and determine a join policy, which can either be Invite Only (other clubs can only join if you send an invite to them) or Open, in which case any club can join your union, presuming there is room available in the union.

You also set the maximum number of clubs your union can have, which ranges from 10 clubs all the way up to 50 clubs, the maximum size for a union.

Lastly, you set the amount of union dues your club will charge a member club per season. The dues paid by members will be deposited into the union’s treasury, after the game taxes them, and can then be spent by the union to the benefit of its members.

Once you are happy with the options you can click on the ‘Create Union’ button. It will cost you 30 tokens to create a union, and your union will start with 15 tokens in the union treasury.

Joining a Union[]

Your club can join a union created by someone else if you desire. The Unions tab will take you to where you can enter search criteria to find a union that you think would suit what you are looking for. Fill in the search criteria parameters as you see fit and then press search and a list of clubs will appear under Search Results that satisfy your criteria. However, this will only show unions that have an ‘Open’ join policy, as to join an invite only union you need an invite!

If you click on a club in the search results column it will open up information on that union, as well as giving you a ‘Join’ button. Joining a union will cost you 30 tokens, all of which will go into the union’s treasury.

Union Treasury[]

The Union Treasury stores all the union's tokens, that have come from clubs signing up as members, union dues they pay, and any token prizes your union has won from competing in competitions against other unions (this last is an upcoming feature).

Tokens in the treasury can be spent of creating in-house competitions for member clubs to take part in and can be used to set prize pools as well.

Union Dues[]

As a member of a union, you have to pay seasonal dues to the union to remain a member. These tokens go into the union treasury after 25% has been taxed by the game. The dues are set by the union itself and the are automatically subtracted from your tokens at the beginning of every season. If you do not have enough tokens to pay, don’t worry, as the game allows your tokens to go into negative, though you cannot spend any more until you get it back into the positive. Your tokens will recover to a positive over time through the free tokens your club will earn from sponsorship or other rewards, or you can purchase some tokens.

Union Roles[]

There are three possible roles you can hold in a union you are a member of, but you can only hold one role at a time. Each role provides different levels of permissions when it comes to interacting with the union. The three roles are President, Executive and Member. Every Union will have a union president, which will start as the manager who created the union.


  • Promote a member to be an Executive or to be President (replacing themselves).
  • Demote themselves to being an Executive or a Member.
  • Has all the rights of an Executive and a Member.


  • Promote a Member to be an Executive
  • Change union settings
  • Create challenges against other unions (when the feature goes live)
  • Accept Challenges from other unions (When the feature goes live)
  • Claim challenge rewards
  • Spend the union’s upgrade points.
  • Create in-house competitions for union member clubs (when that feature goes live)
  • Manage one of the union’s representative sides (when that feature goes live)
  • Plus more to come later!


  • Use the Chat
  • Contribute to completing union challenges
  • Swap Cards (when that feature goes live)
  • Take part in competitions the union runs (when that feature goes live)
  • Gain benefits from upgrades the union invests in.
  • Leave Union
  • Plus more to come!

Union Levels[]

All Unions start at level 1 and can then increase their level by gaining experience points. These can be gained through a variety of methods (see Experience points below).

Every time a union goes up a level, they earn an upgrade point which can be spent on purchasing new benefits for union members or to improve existing ones.

Union XP[]

To gain a level a union has to accumulate experience points. The amount of experience points needed to gain a level starts off at 500 to gain level 2, and then for each level thereafter, the amount goes up by an additional 100 points e.g. to gain level 3 would require another 600 experience points to be earned once the club was level 2, so 1,100 experience in total, and in level 4 would require another 700 to be earned, for a total of 1,800 and so on. Hopefully this table will make it clearer!:

1 0 0
2 500 500
3 600 1100
4 700 1800
5 800 2600
6 900 3500
7 1000 4500

and so on.

Currently there are two ways a union can earn experience points, but more will be available as we add new features to unions.

  1. Attendance: Every day a member logs in at least once, the union earns 1 experience point.
  2. Complete a union challenge: The number of experience points gained varies depending on the difficulty of the challenge completed:
1 100
2 500
3 1000

Experience points will also be earned through doing well in competitions against other unions, when that feature goes live.

Union Upgrades[]

At this point the only upgrades that are available are purchasing new challenge packs (see Challenges below for more information) but as more features are added to the unions system, more upgrade options will become available and will detailed here.

See also Rep Team Stadium Upgrades

Union Rooms[]

At the moment the only room that a union can have is the Lobby. More rooms will be added later, including the Bar, Dressing Room, Office, Treasury and Trophy Room. Each room will give access to different aspects of the union and all rooms will have their own upgrades that bring added benefits to the union and its members.

The Lobby[]

The lobby is the room you will start in when you log-in to your union and has a wealth of information about your union. The top of the lobby screen shows the union logo, the union’s level, and the experience point bar showing the progress towards the next level. Beneath that is shown the current level the union has set for its dues, the number of tokens in the union treasury, and lastly the upgrade points the union has.

Below that there are three vertical columns:

  • The first column shows the current Challenges the union is pursuing, with the difficulty of the challenge shown by the number of rugby balls (one easiest, three the hardest). There is a bar tracking progress towards completion of each challenge, and the experience reward that will be gained upon competition. Beneath the challenge information is the Union Log, showing an event timeline for the union.
  • The second column shows the union president, the union executives, and the union members. If they have a green light be their name then they are online. This column also shows their username, their club level, their logo, their team name and the nation the club is attached to. Your club will also show in the list, and you can click on the edit pencil icon by your own club to bring up a screen where you Leave the union if you desire. For the union president and the union executives there will be such an icon by all union members, which they can use to edit their union status i.e. whether they are normal members or executives.
  • The third column is the chat column, where you can communicate in real time to other union members who are online. A union starts with a number of channels for free, and then can spend upgrade points to get new ones.

Union Challenges[]

A union must spend an upgrade point to have access to a Challenge Pack, and a union can buy as many of them as they wish to. Each challenge pack contains 10 different challenges, with six level 1 difficulty challenges, three level 2 difficulty challenges and one level 3 difficulty challenge. The union president or a union executive can choose a single challenge for each challenge slot they have (a union starts with one challenge slot but can purchase up to two more by spending upgrade points). The challenge will remain until the challenge is completed. Once the challenge is competed the union will earn experience points, based upon the difficulty level of the challenge, and the slot will become free again for another challenge to be take its place.

Each individual challenge requires the member clubs to collectively accomplish what is detailed on the challenge. The number of clubs the union has when the challenge is first entered into a slot will determine the exact details of what needs to be accomplished. For example, a difficulty level 1 challenge of purchasing players on the transfer market would require collectively the clubs in the union to purchase 2 x the number of member clubs in the union, so a union of 10 clubs would fulfil this challenge once 20 players have been purchased on the transfer market by the member clubs. Remember, this is collectively, so it is total purchases by all member clubs, not each club having to purchase 20 players each on the transfer market using this example.