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Skill Training Regimes

When you want to train a player’s skills you must place them into a training regime. A training regime will last for a number of days, based upon the tech invested in regime length, and each day will have a training session attached to it. There are a wide variety of training sessions that can be used, but which ones your club has access to will depend on the tech invested in Training Session specialisations.

Every session type trains a different set of skills (see below for the types and skills they train) at different advancement rates. A session will supply a number of skill points to a skill and skills increase levels if they accumulate enough skill points. The amount of skill points gained is based upon a percentage of the club’s CPL.

Training Session Types

Your club starts with two general session types: a Forwards session and a Backs Session. To acquire other types of sessions you must buy them off the Training building tech tree with your tech points.

There are ten positional session types available to be purchased (Prop, Hooker, Lock, Flanker, Number 8, Scrum-half, Fly-half, Centre, Wing, and Full-Back) and a large number of Specialist training sessions that have prerequisite positional session types that must be purchased first before they become available.

General Sessions

  • Group 1 = 7% CPL

Session Name

Skills Trained

Forward Session

Skills: Scrum, Maul, Rucking, Counter-Rucking,

Tackling, Lineout-Jumping or Lineout-Throwing

(lineout throwing if best position is Hooker)

Backs Session

Skills: Passing, Catching, Kicking, Linebreaking,

Tackling, Awareness

Positional Sessions

  • Group 1 = 11% CPL
  • Group 2 = 6% CPL

Session Name

Skills Trained

Prop Session

Group 1: Scrum, Maul, Rucking

Group 2: Counter-Rucking, Tackling, Lineout-Throwing

Hooker Session

Group 1: Scrum, Lineout-Throwing, Rucking

Group 2: Maul, Counter-Rucking, Tackling

Lock Session

Group 1: Lineout-Jumping, Scrum, Maul

Group 2: Counter-Rucking, Rucking, Tackling

Flanker Session

Group 1: Counter-Rucking, Rucking, Tackling

Group 2: Maul, Scrum, Lineout-Jumping

No. 8 Session

Group 1: Scrum, Tackling, Rucking

Group 2: Maul, Lineout-Jumping, Counter-Rucking

Scrum-Half Session

Group 1: Passing, Awareness, Linebreaking

Group 2: Catching, Kicking, Tackling

Fly-Half Session

Group 1: Awareness, Kicking, Passing

Group 2: Linebreaking, Catching, Tackling

Centre Session

Group 1: Passing, Linebreaking, Tackling

Group 2: Catching, Awareness, Kicking

Wing Session

Group 1: Linebreaking, Catching, Passing

Group 2: Tackling, Kicking, Awareness

Full-Back Session

Group 1: Catching, Tackle, Linebreaking

Group 2: Passing, Awareness, Kicking

Specialist Sessions

  • Group 1 (1 skill) = 30% CPL
  • Group 2 (2 skills) = 10% CPL

Session Name

Skills Trained

Ball Protector Session

Requires: Number 8 Session

Group 1: Rucking

Group 2: Counter-Rucking, Tackling

Ball Winner Session

Requires: Flanker Session

Group 1: Counter-Rucking

Group 2: Rucking, Tackling

Mauler Session

Requires: Lock Session

Group 1: Maul

Group 2: Tackling, Scrum

Scrum Session

Requires: Prop or Hooker Session

Group 1: Scrum

Group 2: Maul, Tackling

Lineout Jumper Session

Requires: Lock Session

Group 1: Lineout-jumping

Group 2: Catching, Maul

Lineout Thrower Session

Requires: Hooker Session

Group 1: Lineout-throwing

Group 2: Passing, Awareness

Distribution Session

Requires: Scrum-Half Session

Group 1: Passing

Group 2: Kicking, Awareness

Ball Handling Session

Requires: Full-Back Session

Group 1: Catching

Group 2: Passing, Kicking

Kicking Session

Requires: Fly-Half Session

Group 1: Kicking

Group 2: Passing, Awareness

Linebreaker Session

Requires: Wing Session

Group 1: Line breaking

Group 2: Passing, Awareness

Defender Session

Requires: Centre Session

Group 1: Tackling

Group 2: Counter-Rucking, Rucking

Oracle Session

Requires: Fly-Half Session

Group 1: Awareness

Group 2: Passing, Kicking