The mental attributes Determination, Intelligence, Composure and Leadership can be improved, though not strictly by training them, but rather by having players play in competitive matches. They can alos be imporved through Psychology cards.
Improving Through Match Play[]
Every 17 real time seconds of playing time in a competitive match (league and cup matches) a player gains 0.4% CPL added to Composure attribute.
Players automatically gain Leadership when they are picked as captain. Any player that is picked as your captain in a competitive match (league and cup matches) will gain 0.4% CPL level per 17 real time seconds played.
Any player not picked as captain has a 20% chance of gaining leadership points in a competitive match. The gains are half that of a Captain (i.e. 0.2% CPL per 17 seconds). the same as as if they had been picked as Captain.
Determination & Intelligence[]
Every player in a competitive match (league or cup match) has a 20% chance of gaining Determination or Intelligence (each attribute is checked separately). If they do gain, they do so at the rate of 0.4% CPL level per 17 real time seconds played.
Improving Through Psychology Cards[]
Each of these mental attributes can alos go up through playing a psychology card corresponding to the mental attribute. These cards are produced by the Psychology Building, and the chance of each type of card being produced depends on the tech investments you have made in that building.
CPL% Explained[]
To work out what 100% of CPL would provide, look at the raw skill points it would take to for a skill to rise from the level below the CPL to the CPL level (see Skill Training Gains for more details on skill points)
A beginning club has a CL (club level) of 1. A CL of 1 means the club has a CPL of 15. To work out how many raw skill points 100% of 15 CPL provides you look to see how many raw skill points is required to gain a skill level of 15 from level 14, which is 200 raw skill points (level 15 is 2030 points and level 14 is 1830, so the difference is 200 points). So 100% of CPL 15 would add 200 raw skill points to something being trained at 100%CPL. To continue the example, a player picked as captain in this team would gain 0.8 points (0.4% CPL%) per 17 seconds played.